我要舉目觀看 I Wil Lift Up My Eyes 
Text based on Psalm 121  / Music by Stan Pethel  
我要舉目觀看遠方的山崗                      I will lift up my eyes as the hills I view.
我要獻上雙手全新的力量                      I wil offer my hands with my strength renewed.
我要打開心門迎真理話語                      I will open my heart to the word of truth,
我要尋求神旨意                                as I seek God's will to know.
我要舉目觀看                                   I will lift up my eyes;
我要獻上雙手                                   I will offer my hand;
我要打開心門迎見主                           I will open my heart to you, Lord.
從最深的山谷到最高的山巔                 From the highest mountain to the valley below,
最燦爛的陽光或柔和的月夜                 in the brightest sunlight or moonlight's softer glow,
在最長的旅程或最安全居處                 on the longest journey, or safely as I stay,
因信我得以堅立無其他道路*               by faith I am uplifted, there's no other way.   
因為天上主宰創造萬物的主                 for the Lord of heaven, the Creator of all,
聽我心靈細語無論何時何處                 hears my spirit whisper whenever I may call.
我主從不打盹我主從不睡覺                 My Lord never slumbers, my Lord will never sleep;
並應許與我同在永遠不動搖*               and with me now forever the promise he keeps.

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